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# Commercial Mortgages**
We specialise in the commercial mortgage sector, our strong relationships with high street banks and Building Societies as well as specialist lenders enable us to find the most suitable financing for your requirements.

# Bridging Finance**
If you need finance quickly and are unable to arrange long-term mortgage finance immediately then short-term Bridging Finance might be the answer, the minimum term can be a 1 day and usually up to a maximum of 12 months. So you do not have to miss-out on your chosen property purchase!

# Business Protection*
We search a wide range of Insurance companies to bring to you the most competitive Business Insurance quotes, which can all add up to mean big tax savings.


# Key Person Protection
Covers the business finances against the loss of a key senior member of staff. This could arising from death, critical illness or disability. How would your business cope? Key person cover can’t replace that person, but it can provide cash at that critical time to replace lost profits and cashflow when you need it the most.

# Key Person Loan Protection
If your business has taken a loan the ability to service that loan could be jeopardised by the loss of one of the key members of the management team. This allows funds to be made available to cover against death or critical illness to repay the loan.

# Shareholder Protection
In the event of death, critical illness or disability of a shareholder the remaining shareholders can purchase that persons shareholding, enabling the business to continue with minimum interruption and providing an exit solution to that shareholder, or their dependants.


* Public & Employer Liability, Professional Liability & Trade Liability
Despite your best intentions, accidents do happen and if the accident is as a result of something your business has done then your business will have to pay compensation.


Every business sector and industry has unique risks so 1 size does not fit all, each has to be assessed on their own merits so each will have profession-specific policies designed to protect them if a client or employee makes a claim against them due to problems with work carried out for them, risk arising from working environment or risk to business continuity.

These policies can cover you when you have to pay compensation if your business is at fault and pays out to cover legal fees spent in defending a claim.


We can offer bespoke policies tailored to businesses and individuals which need specialist protection regardless of business sector. Some Cases Pay Less Tax!

Most Business owners routinely take out insurance for their buildings and contents, but rarely think to protect their most important asset – the people that work for them.

We provide advice on your business needs to carry on with minimal cost effective solutions.

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